Local Optimization

Now more than ever before, Local Search is essential to your brand’s success. If you have a brick and mortar location, people need to find you. And when you take into account the fact that 50% of all Google searches that include “near me” result in an in-store visit, you can’t deny the potential power of your Local Optimization efforts

Optimizing your business for Local Search is a must. We can boost your visibility, driving calls, requests for directions and your bottom line.

Local Optimization Services from 5th Gear

What Are Local Optimization Services?

Local Search Engine Optimization (Local SEO) puts an emphasis on efforts that will help local customers find you. Whether they’re mapping you while driving, or Googling a service or product you offer from their home, taking the time and resources to invest in a comprehensive local search engine optimization effort can literally pay off, big time.

You may not know how to optimize your website so it shows up in local results, but we do.

From strategic on-page optimization, to link building, to online reputation management, to your Google My Business profile, we’ve got all the tools to enhance your local presence in online searches. We want to make sure that people can find you quickly and effortlessly, so they’re one click closer to actually becoming a paying customer.

We will focus on Near-Me searches, local organic search results and what’s known as the local 3-Pack of the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs). To rank in the local pack, your brand must be offering local customers very specific information about a local area or distance from a user’s physical location.

This makes it incredibly easy for users to get valuable information about your brand, product or service.

The reward? You show up in the Top 3 listings of search results.

Benefits of
Local Optimization Services

Among the numerous benefits that Local Optimization can offer your brand, we think the most important is the potential to generate customers and increase conversions.

Other Benefits Can Include:

  • Enhanced online visibility

  • Reputation management control
    (by keeping on top of your online presence)

  • Link between Google My Business
    and Google Maps

  • Ranking above your competition

  • Increased calls and visits to your
    physical location

  • Results in Google’s “3-Pack”

  • Visibility to motivated buyers/customers/clients

  • Greater potential for shareability

  • Increased traffic to your website (and your physical location, of course!)

  • A leg up on your competition if they’re not focusing on local SEO

Local SEO has the potential to boost your brand identity and authority and significantly increase revenue. Find out how 5th Gear Marketing can increase your local SEO presence, so you can get all the benefits from it.

Need more help with something?

No worries, we got your covered. Our team has the right experts to help you build your brand in this competitive digital landscape.

Reach Out Today

Message us to learn more about how 5th Gear can create a customized plan that puts your Digital Marketing efforts at the forefront of everything you do, so you can race past your competition.

Let’s chat about it:

(619) 376-6612

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